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Automation Anywhere 2.5 - User Guide and FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions - Automation Anywhere

  1. How do I record a task using Automation Anywhere?
    You can easily create new task using SMART task recorder. Click 'RECORD'; perform the activities on your computer that you want to record, click 'STOP' and then 'SAVE' the recorded activities to a task. You can play back your recorded actions by using the 'RUN' button and selecting the task that you saved. For further details refer to the Help file.

  2. Does it matter if the window size and locations of my applications change between recording and replaying?
    No. Automation Anywhere's SMART Automation Technology automatically adjust to changes of window size and location.

  3. Do I need to finish all my work in one application before moving onto the next application or can I switch back and forth between various applications while recording?
    You can switch back and forth between various applications while recording.

  4. Can Automation Anywhere work if computer is locked? Can I record a task to unlock the computer?
    If computer is locked, keyboard & mouse actions cannot work. All other Automation Anywhere commands will work. When computer is locked, Windows OS disables all keyboard & mouse actions (except for unlocking) to prevent hacking.

    Windows' security deals with unlocking the computer at a very low level to prevent hacking. This is a security measure we believe serves our customer well and so we do not support tasks that can unlock computer.

    However, if the Screen saver is active without password protection Automation Anywhere will work as expected.

  5. I have to run a task that needs to use a different value for a variable in every repeat. How do I do that with your Automation Software?
    Automation Anywhere provides "Loop - End Loop" commands. You can place your repetitive task inside a Loop - End Loop block. You can use a List variable inside it for data that keeps on changing with each loop.

  6. Will my task play correctly even if files, program shortcut icons in the Quick Launch and the Desktop have moved?
    Apart from a few exceptions, opening of most of the files and shortcut icons from both Quick Launch and Desktop will be played back even if the icons have moved from their original location. Note that, the 'Move Icons/Menus' should be checked in Tools > Options menu for this feature to be enabled.

  7. Does the created Exe require Automation Anywhere when played?
    No, even if you uninstall your Automation Anywhere program the Exe will work. The Exe is independent of Automation Anywhere.

  8. I want to copy a command and use it at many places. Do I need to create the command every time?
    No. You can use the 'Duplicate' function by Right click on command and select 'Duplicate'. This command Duplicates the currently selected command. You can then just move the newly created command using the Up and Down Arrow key.

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