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BREAKTRU REMIND 7.5 - User Guide and FAQ

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Set Alarm

Reboot. You must reboot in order to initiate the start of the program. When your computer starts, ReMind can be accessed from your system tray.

The bottom right hand corner of your screen is where your time and speaker is located. After installing ReMind and rebooting for the first time you will see an icon of a wrist watch. Right click it and select Set Alarm. This will bring up the message box.

I have prevented the moving around with the tab key in the Set Alarm boxes. This will force you to click with your mouse so that the data will not be accidentally entered incorrectly. Clicking in the date field will bring up a small calendar. To access the entire calendar click the small downward arrow. To complete, click ok.

Clicking in the Time field will bring up a small time setting display. By clicking on either hours, minutes or seconds will highlight those numbers. The numbers highlighted will increment or decrement according to which arrow key you click. To update the selection you have made you must click Accept. The Now button will set the display to the current time. You must also click Accept.

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