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Registry Sweeper 1.8 - User Guide and FAQ

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Registry Compact
Registry Compact removes gaps, wasted space and corrupt keys from the registry, and performs physical defragmentation of the Windows registry files. When the compacting process is complete, the registry acquires a linear structure, which reduces application response and registry access times, and improves system performance.

Registry Compact can consolidate your registry and make it considerably smaller - a trick that can make your system faster again. To do this, the module analyzes the old registry and then creates an entirely new version that only contains the correct entries in the proper order. The old registry is then deleted and is replaced with the new one after a restart.

Starting Registry Compact
You can click "Registry Compact" from the main window and then click "Run Registry Compact" button to start the program.

Registry Analysis
First, Registry Compact must determine how fragmented your registry is. Click "Next" to begin.

Before the analysis starts, you will be informed that all other applications must be closed. Please follow these instructions and close all other applications before you continue.

Next, the module shows the results of the analysis. If there is potential for optimization, you will be told by how many percent and kilobytes the size of the registry can be reduced.

Defragmenting the registry
If Registry Compact determines that your registry can be defragmented, click "Finish" to begin defragmenting. It must restart your computer for this. While the computer is restarting, the new registry is created and the old one deleted. As soon as Windows restarts, your new registry is already being used. The program has done its job and does not need to be opened again.

Frequently Asked Questions - Registry Sweeper

  1. How can I change its skin?
    Use [Options] -> [Effect] and choose "Enable use skins", then you can choose skin from skin-list, click "Apply" after you choose it. And if you want to see more skins, you can click "Get more" or visit:, you can download skins then copy them into the skins directory of Ultra Cleaner.

  2. Can I restore the deleted files?
    If you choose [Zip and delete to] to clean, of course you can restore them. Operation:Start Ultra Cleaner, click [Restore Wizard], you can see all the deleted files reported in the restore list according to time when they are deleted,then you can choose the item that you need and click [Restore]. [Restore Wizard] will restore the files right now.

  3. Why some of the files can not be cleaned when click the button [clean] after scanning?
    That's because those files maybe are using by other applicated program or your system. It is suggested that you'd better close other programs before cleaning.

  4. Why do we only see hard disks in disk list?
    Ultra Cleaner clears up useless files only in hard disks.

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