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Note-It Publisher
Enhanced desktop notes with lots of features and a clean interface
Publisher: Veign
Website: http://www.veign.com
About Publisher: Veign
Veign develops: Seeker : Faster, enhanced file and text search.
; XSite : Easily extract information from any web page.
; Cfont Pro : See your fonts and generate fresh designs.
; Pixeur : Get the color of any pixel on the screen
; Note-It : Sometimes you just need to place for a note
All Products from Veign
Ever have the need to extract a color from another application? Curious about the colors used in something you see on the computer screen? Then Pixeur is the application for you.
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Seeker's has an ultra-fast file search engine on top of a powerful file search algorithm. Searching for files or inside of files Seeker can handle it. All this and Seeker includes a replace feature as well.
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Cfont Pro
See what you are missing by not viewing all your fonts at once. This advanced font manager is a must have for anyone that would like to preview fonts, fonts with a color scheme, font properties, or just play around with a design and use a new font.
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Enhanced desktop notes that; persist windows sessions, give you control of the look and feel, allow you to save and open notes, even control transparency
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Link200 will determine the validity of links stored in Internet Explorer's favorites folder. A full report will be generated at the end and you will be given an option to automatically delete all bad links.
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XSite will load and parse any webpage into a simple structured view for displaying images, email addresses, and all links. Generate a report with the results, download images to a local folder, or just export lists out to CSV format.
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